Lorri Kellogg
Lorri Kellogg of Universal Aid For Children, Inc.
Lorri Kellogg

Lorri Kellogg in Romania 1998
Lorri Kellogg Newspaper Articles
Recently I was doing a project unrelated to this website. I was using Newspapers.com to do my research and decided to put Lorri’s name into the search box. I heard about Lorri’s involvement with the POW/MIA movement in Vietnam during the 1960s and early 1970s, I just wanted to learn more. The search results produced over 900 entries on Lorri Kellogg. The newspaper articles were about her work in the adoption field, POW/MIA, medical aid/relief and social charity work in the mid-1960s before her involvement with adoption. I learned a lot more about Lorri than I ever knew before. I decided to try and organize the articles/clippings that I found; not all are here. Many of the articles were duplicated, as newspapers across the country shared articles. Many of the children that Lorri helped with medical issues and children that she placed for adoption are in their 40s now. I hope that the articles find the people involved and they enjoy them as much as I do.
I will divide the articles into three groups and provide a link to a PDF file that has the citations for the photos/articles shown. FYI,, the PDF file is “92” MB’s, I had to keep it this large so you can read the articles in the PDF file. It can be downloaded if you like. Special thanks to Newspapers.com for this information and I find their website a great place to research history.
Also here are two links inside this site with information on Lorri.
Lorri Kellogg Adoption and Medical Aid Articles
Lorri Kellogg’s Charity Activity Prior To Adoption
Lorri Kellogg Helping With Vietnam Veterans
Lorri Kellogg And Her Daughters
The three B/W photographs below were taken in the late 1970’s by Miami Herald staff photographers. I recently purchased the original photographs from the Historic Images Store on eBay. Let these moments live on, forever.

Lorri Kellogg in 1976

Lorri Kellogg on August 9th, 1979